Schedule: 50th Anniversary Collegium Medicorum Theatri

7:30-8:00 Registration

8:00-8:15 Welcome and introduction to 50th Anniversary CoMeT Foundation celebration

President of Collegium Medicorum Theatri

 Chávez Calderón de Bartelt R. Eugenia MD, PhD, President

8:15-8:35        Scherer Ronald C. Ph.D. presenting Diaz Raymond, M.M., M.S.

“Objective measures comparing different interpretations of operatic excerpts

8:35-8:55       Sundberg Johan Ph.D.

Hyperfunction, airflow, fundamental”

8:55-9:15      Woo Peak M.D.

Office based intervention using angiolytic lasers in voice professionals: a report of 56 cases in 3 years.”

9:15-9:35        Schloemicher-Tier Joseph, M.D.

“Emergency voice medicine and cancellation policy at an international musik-festival”

9:35-9:55      Chávez Calderón de Bartelt R. Eugenia, MD, PhD, President

“Impact of stage environment in the artistic voice”

9:55-10:15      Halstead Lucinda, M.D.

 “Can They Sing or Teach It? If They Can’t Hear It?”

10:15-10:35   Calcinoni Orietta, M.D.

  “Prevention in opera theatre “


10:35-11:45 Round table:    Future of the Artistic Voice


Chávez Calderón de Bartelt R. Eugenia MD, PhD, President

  1. R.Sataloff M.D. Ph.D.
  2. Sundberg Johann Ph.D.
  3. Scherer Ron Ph.D.
  4. Calcinoni Orietta M.D.
  5. Halstead Lucinda M.D.
  6. Fussi Franco M.D.
  7. Bianco Erkki  M.D.
  8. Chávez Calderón de Bartelt R. Eugenia MD, PhD with invitation to Carroll Linda Ph.D.
  9. Schloemicher-Thier Joseph M.D.
  10. Woo Peak M.D.


  • Prevention
  • Education
  • Diagnosis
  • Rehabilitation
  • Phonosurgery
  • Age
  • Environment: air, noise
  • Production

11:45-12:00 Future of CoMeT and closing Ceremony

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World Voice Day 2023

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