Welcome to the new website of Collegium Medicorum Theatri. We have not only revamped the design but we also tried to simplify finding the informations you need.
The main menu
The main menu gives you access to all topics concerning CoMeT. You will find the latest updates in the “News” section, the current officers of CoMeT in “Members&Board”, all about the history of our organization under “History” and so on.
Below the header image, you see some information about CoMeT, giving new visitors a first overview about our organization.
Recent news
Beneath it you’ll find the recent news area. Here you will always find the three latest news stories with their images. Move your mouse over the cursor (or tab once on the image on your iPad or any other tablet) and you will find the lead and a link to the complete story. You can also click the title to get there. Or you click the “news section” button to find all our latest news!
The website uses WordPress (based on the Dagda theme) to manage the content and was designed by karnerkreativ.com from Salzburg, Austria.