
Article 15


(1)For arbitration of all disputes arising from the association relationship, the arbitration court is appointed. It is a “mediation facility” within the meaning of the Association Act 2002 of Austria and no arbitral tribunal according to §§ 577 ff ZPO.  (Austria)

(2)The arbitral tribunal is composed of three ordinary members of the association. It is formed in such a way that a dispute makes a member of the board as a referee in writing. At the request of the Executive Board within seven days, the other party to the dispute shall appoint a member of the Arbitration Tribunal within 14 days. After agreement by the Executive Committee within seven days, the nominated arbitrators shall elect a third full member to the chair of the Arbitration Tribunal within a further 14 days. In case of equality of votes the decision will be made by raffle.

The arbitral tribunal makes its decision to grant mutual recognition in the presence of all its members by a simple majority vote. It decides to the best of knowledge and belief. Its decisions are final.

Article 16

Voluntary dissolution of the association

(1)The voluntary dissolution of the association can only be decided in a general assembly and only by a two-thirds majority of the valid votes cast.

(2) This General Assembly also has – as far as assets are available – to decide on the settlement. In particular, it has to appoint a liquidator and decide on who to transfer the assets remaining after covering the liabilities. This property should, as far as possible and permitted, belong to an organization pursuing the same or similar purposes as this association, otherwise for social welfare purposes.