CoMeT Academical On Line Sessions and General Assembly

Academical On Line Sessions

We recorded the online session:



General Assembly on-line

Only for CoMeT members
Another Zoom connection
Saturday 17th October 2020
Immediately after academical on-line session 


Agenda of the On-Line General Assembly Collegium Medicorum Theatri:   

1.- Welcome President Dr. Eugenia Chávez C. (2 minutes)

2-  Establishing the meeting as lawful and quorate  (2 minutes)

3.- Report of Secretary Dr. Josef Schlöemicher-Thier sent by mail before session (2 minutes)

4.- Report of Treasurer Dr. Philippe Dejonckere sent by mail before session (2 minutes)

5.- Report of Secretary members Dr. Adi Primov-Fever sent by mail before session (2 minutes)

6.- Report of the votation for acceptance of new members 2020 Dr. Chávez sent by mail

before session (2 minutes)

7.- Web-education activities discussion and proposals- (20 minutes or more)

  1.     a) On-line webinars
    b) Special contributions in “Members work “section of CoMeT webpage.
    Invitation to the members to send non-published lectures or papers for webpage.
    They have to be approved by the President.

    c) Short bios from each member with written approval, photo and addresses.
    It is urgent in order to complete and update our members directory.
    d) Videos from every CoMeT meetings or special sessions with written approval from each speaker.- Next CoMeT on-line meetings (3 minutes)
    a) On-line monthly sessionsSaturday November 14th 2020
    Saturday December 12th 2020
    Schedule for 2021 on line sessions

9.- Sessions and Congresses in 2021 and 2022.  (5 minutes)

a) The Voice Foundation Philadelphia, U.S.A. June 2-6, 2021 Special session. In Preparation
b) CoMeT Congress September 2021 with Dr. John Rubin as President and collaboration to
British Voice Association congress Leeds, England
c) Cooperation of CoMeT with UEP Antalaya October 6-10, 2021
d) Cooperation in IFOS Vancouver June 18-22, 2022

10.- General discussion, proposals of CoMeT members   (5 minutes)

11.- Closing GA message   (2 minutes)

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