World Voice Day on April 16 is a worldwide annual event devoted to the celebration of the phenomenon of voice.

The aim is to demonstrate the enormous importance of the voice in our daily life, as a tool of communication, and as an application of a large number of sciences, such as physics, psychology, phonetics, art, and biology.

The celebration of the World Voice Day is scattered around the globe, including concerts, symposia, open house at voice clinics and voice education institutes, TV shows, radio programs etc. To find events near you go to

The Austrian Voice Institute in Salzburg, led by CoMeT member Josef Schlömicher-Thier has organised two events in order to celebrate World Voice Day:

  • The Natural History and the Miracle of the Singing Voice
    with Josef Schlömicher-Thier and Christian Herbst
    Monday, April 15, 2013; 7.30 pm.; Haus der Natur, Salzburg, Austria
  • Preventive Voice Care and Voice Training
    Information booth with experts from the Austrian Voice Institute with a “Jedermann”-Shouting-Tent
    Tuesday, April 16, 2013; 3 pm.; Jedermann-Tent on the Grünmarkt in Salzburg, Austria