The seventeeth symposium took place the first and second October 1990 under the direction of M. N. Kotby in the Hotel Semiramis in Cairo. The main topics were “Management of acute vocal emergencies in the professional users” and “Recent advances in singing science”. 63 members attended the meeting.

There was a lyric concert, a perfromance by the Lyrical Orchestra of arabic music and a short music festival.

The by-laws were rewritten and people commented again “The voice passport”.

The new board was:

  • President: S. Fex
  • Treasurer: M. N. Kotby
  • European Secretary: H. Schutte
  • Extra-European Secretary: H. Hirose

Non medical members were accepted and 20 dollars had to be the annual fees


The eighteenth symposium took place in Vadstena (Sweden) the 6th -7th August 1991 organized by S. Fex. 24 members and 21 non-members attended the meeting. There were 20 free communications and one panel.

A representation of a marionette opera from 1682 in an old castle of Vadstena and a lyric and piano concert by the members of the CoMeT were the social events.

A post congress tour to the Phoniatric Department of Huddinge Sjukhus, the department of Speech Communication and music acoustics in the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm was organized.


In the assembly held in Hannover August 8th,1992, 17 members presented and 9 new members were nominated. It was decided that the payment of the annual fees could be made by credit cards. Anyone who has been member for at least ten years and was more of 65 years of age become senior member.


The nineteenth symposium took place in Utrecht (Netherland) from 26th to 28th August 1993 under the organization of Dejonckere, in the Medical Faculty of Utrecht University. The main topic was “The vibrato” and it was followed by 21 communications on the same subject.

A dinner and a lyric performance by CoMeT members in the Naval Museum of Amsterdam and Musical appetizers in the Hospital of Utrecht were the social events.


The 20th Congress of CoMeT was held August 8-10, 1994 in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, under coordinator Austin King M.D. Twenty-six members and sixteen non-members participated. Ingo Tritze gave the key note address on the current status of voice science. Twenty-two other papers on voice were presented. Participants attended The Barber Of Seville at the Santa Fe Opera and toured historic American Indian ruins.

The General Assembly (G.A.) decided to hold a business meeting and scientific session in Cairo in association with the I.A.L.P. World Congress in August 1995. The World Voice Consortium (W.V.C.) was thoroughly discussed and it was suggested to send an observer to the next meeting of the W.V.C. However the G.A. had important reservations regarding the objectives and by-laws of the W.V.C. as well as the structure of the W.V.C.

At the Farewell Banquet, President Kotby, in honor of the 25th anniversary of the CoMeT, presented a certificate of appreciation to Dr. Tarasco and Dr. Loebell. Dr. King will send copies to the remaining founding members.


The General Assembly met in Cairo, Egypt August 7,1995 with sixteen members present. The main activity was the presentation of the scientific session on the program of the International Logopedics and Phoniatrics meeting in Cairo. Dr. Kotby was appointed contact person for the World Voice Consortium (W.V.C.). The final decision to affiliate CoMeT with the W.V.C. was postponed pending receiving the last version of the modified by-laws of the W.V.C. Professor Seidner circulated a proposal for a declaration from CoMeT outlining recommendation for the conditioned care of the professional voice user. The final presentation of this document was deferred until the next meeting in Salsomaggiore.


The 21st Congress of the CoMeT was held August 18-20, 1996 at Salsomaggiore Terme, Italy and organized by Oskar Schindler. Twenty-five members and many non-members attended with 30 papers presented.

The Guiseppe Verdi Park and theater were toured. Members and guests attended the opera Aida at the historic open air theater at Verona.

The proposed amendment to the constitution was ratified at the General Assembly. The amendment reads, “Members of the Executive Committee may remain in office for a maximum period of six years. The President serves for one term of three years only.”

Dr. Austin King and Professor Oskar Schindler were elected to the Executive Committee for two terms (six years) and Dr. King was elected as the new president for three years. It was agreed that the CoMeT will hold a scientific seminar on the program of the I.A.L.P. Congress in Amsterdam August 1998.

The proposed document “Care for the Professional Voice” presented by Professor Seidner was adopted with an ad hoc committee to adjust the language and make necessary translations to other languages.

Relationship with the world Voice Consortium is pending as no further information has reached the Executive Committee.


The 22nd annual international congress of the CoMeT met July 10-13, 1997 at Paris, France and was organized by Marie-Agnes Faure. Forty-seven members and twenty-five guests attended. Twenty-nine papers were presented and Harm Schutte gave the key note address on Videokymography. The meeting was held of the Bastille Studio in the National Opera House of Paris.

A recital by members and guests was held at La Cite dela Musique. A private tour was arranged of the Moliere Theatre and members and guests attended the opera Manon at the Opera House Bastille of Paris.

At the General Assembly meeting the membership was informed of the document Care of the Professional Voice and had been translated into multiple languages and will be distributed to different countries. The CoMeT Website should be complete by next year and a new membership directory will be distributed. Amendments dealing with affiliation status with other organizations and changing the structure of the Membership Committee to include one member if available from the country of the applicant were passed.


The 23rd Annual International Congress of the CoMeT met June 24-27, 1999, at Aspen, Colorado, U.S.A., and was organized by Dr. Richard Stasney. Twenty-five members and many guests attended. The meeting was held at the historic Hotel Jerome, where the Keynote Address was given by Honorary President Hans von Leden on The Care of the Professional Voice and Historical Perspective. A half-day joint session with the Performing Arts Medical Association was held at the Wheeler Opera House with multiple papers and discussions involving performers in general. A delightful concert by the Aspen Chamber Symphony in the Aspen Musical Festival tent attended the first night, followed by a gala dinner at the Jerome. On the second day, guests enjoyed a gondola trip to the top of Aspen Mountain for a picnic and Chamber concert followed by a cowboy cookout with a campfire that evening.

At the General Assembly Meeting, Philippe DeJonckere was elected President, Dr. Giger was elected Treasurer, Dr. Bouchayer was elected European Secretary, and Dr. Fukuda Elected Extra European Secretary. The new address for the CoMeT website was given as www.collegium.org. Discussion was also carried out about efforts to streamline the election process for members. Dr. von Leden discussed future directions of the CoMeT with next year’s International Congress to be held in Chong Qing, China, hosted by Dr. Gu Li-de.

To the 2000s